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Discussion series #2 - Dice or Cards

Between dice and cards, what is the most essential element to a board game for you? Are you more excited to roll dice or more excited to play that unexpected card from yout hand?

It really depends on the game honestly. I am a war gamer at heart so dice is constantly a part of most games I play BUT games that include cards for events adds a level of uncertainty to the game that can change your strategy immensely. And then there are games like Combat Commander that don't have physical dice but determine results with dice printed on the cards. 

In the old days, (1990 and before) very few games had cards and only dice, with the introduction of new elements from euro games (chits, tiles, cards, etc ...), it fundamentally changed the war game industry too. Now, most modern wargames have those elements too.

So to answer your question, dice or cards, I say YES

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Paul Koneczny New River Board Game Guild