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Prezcon 2022

Well, it's now been over a year since I lamented about Prezcon, with no convention in 2021, it is great news that Prezcon 2022 is ON!

Prezcon Website

It will be at the Doubletree in Charlottesville again this year and the convention is under new management. I can't wait to see the changes they implement. They have streamlined the auction and store processes and they seem to be for the better! I listed 15 games at the store this year so we will see if they sell. They have a new shuttle setup for the overflow at the Holiday Inn so no need to drive back and forth if you end up there.

The venue is similar to last time (2020), open gaming downstairs, tournament games across all the banquet halls and rooms. Vendors, food, etc.. 

If you have never gone, I would highly recommend you make this a required board game convention. Unlike Origins, Gencon, this con is focused on board games. War games, euro games, family games, all types. No RPGs, no anime costumes, no panels ... just board gaming for 7 straight days. The tournaments are not cut throat, they are competitive in the last few rounds but even if you have never played before, join in on the first round, learn the game from the people that play and see where it takes you!

I will be running the tournament for Endeavor Age of Sails, Lori is running Azul and No Thanks. There are hundreds of games being played this year so think about joining the fun!

Here are a few pictures from a previous year, it really is a great time.

CatanThunderstone Quest

Paul Koneczny New River Board Game Guild

Another event folks might consider going to:



World Board Gaming at Vegas National Championship!